Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Climbin' in Your Windows

A normal citizen of Huntsville, Alabama made it big when his sister, Kelly Dodson was almost raped. Antoine Dodson not only got millions of views on YouTube, the site that changes lives, but he also appeared on George Lopez Tonight, The Monique Show, and performed at the BET Awards!

It’s amazing how something as serious as rape can be turned into a joke, then broadcasted to the world. I can even be found guilty of singing his song to a friend or ten. 

The lyrics are catchy and the number of views reflects it. “He’s climbing in your windows and snatching your people up” became America’s anthem for weeks. The hit even became popular on iTunes and made it on the Billboard Hot 100 list. 

What made Antoine Dodson so popular?

It may have been his style of getting his neighborhood’s attention. He spoke directly to the camera, lips poked out, making an absolute fool of himself; yet, he was serious! This is what makes it funny to me. His bad grammar mixed with his serious tone brought tears to my eyes and laughter to the room. 

Perhaps it was his attire. He wore a bandana wrapped around his wild hair, and old tank top which did not mix well with his unprofessional diction. 

How does this relate?

Obviously, Antoine Dodson’s video is NOT a commercial. However, it acted as one in a way. Because he performed for the BET Awards and appeared on several talk shows, the video acted as an advertisement of what was to come. After watching the video, people knew that Dodson had a crazy personality, which made people want to watch the shows he appeared on—advertisement. 

Where is he now?

Dodson created a line of t-shirts which he sold through zazzle.com.  We Gon Find You Shirts

Since he has created an unrelated line of clothing, a Halloween costume for a “Bedroom Intruder,” and endorsed a “Sex-Offender Tracker” application for the iPhone. 

He even has several websites about him. To learn more about him, you can visit


Thursday, February 17, 2011

Doritos Rehab!

Hunger or addiction? It seems as though many of the 2011 Doritos commercials are exhibiting behaviors of drug addicts. I am not sure whether that is a good or a bad thing, but it does make the commercials stick in my mind.
The commercial, which first aired during the Super Bowl, begins with a man eating a small bag of Doritos. Another man whispers in his ear and when the man with the chip bag shrugs, causing him to lift his hand, he licks his fingers to get a taste.
The same Doritos-crazed man rips off a co-worker’s pants because he wiped excess cheese on them. He sniffed the cheese like it gave him the high he was looking for.
Most of the new commercials show very anxious people that are eager to get a taste of the Doritos, a little like drug addicts feign for drugs. It’s interesting that the Doritos Company chose addiction as a selling point, because junk food is often a serious need for people. It makes me wonder if American’s will ever have the support they need to become healthier. 

Is the Doritos-Craze Real?
The commercial purposely depicted addiction as a funny thing, or maybe a Doritos thing. Is it true though? Can we seriously get addicted to Doritos or any junk food for that matter? With the various amounts of chemicals in each product, I doubt that it is impossible.
I did a little research and Doritos has 39 different ingredients in its product, 36 being chemicals. Homemade corn chips can be made with as little as 3 ingredients. So what is in these Doritos that makes them so addicting? I am determined to figure it out! *Grabs bag of Doritos from kitchen* Until then, we can send those addicts to Doritos rehab!

Check out the site below to see more information on the Doritos Commercial.

Sunday, February 6, 2011

Pepsi Max...Knock Out Taste!

Not only can Pepsi Max help one lose weight, it’s also a great defense mechanism. In a Pepsi Max commercial during Super Bowl XLV, a wife continuously caught her husband “cheating” on his diet. By the end, she was fed up and threw the Pepsi can at her husband, who was eyeing a woman on the bench next to them. It was hilarious!!!
The commercial starts with the husband ordering French fries, but quickly changes his order to a fruit-cup when he receives a kick in the leg from his wife. It continues to show him sneaking a bite of pie. Again, he is caught by his wife who smashes his face into the whipped pie. The husband goes to sneak a hamburger in the bathtub and the wife replaces it with a bar of soap before he could take the first bite. The last scene begins with the husband sneaking a Pepsi Max. His wife appears, and to his surprise, she drinks the soda with him. She explains that Pepsi Max has zero calories and he replies “…and maximum taste.”
A female runner appears and sits on the bench beside the couple. The husband attempts to take a peek at the woman, but gets caught right away. The wife winds up and throws the Pepsi at her husband. He ducks; it misses and hits the woman on the head. The couple looks at each other with fear and they take off down the path.
A lot happens in the short commercial, but its message is very clear. It shows that Pepsi Max is calorie-free; yet, it still has great taste. Though the message was sent to millions of viewers because it aired during the Super Bowl, I am not sure how effective it will be.
The Super Bowl is known for its concept of “family, food, football.” People eat pizza, chicken wings, and drink unhealthy soda and alcoholic beverages. It’s the time when people forget about their diets and splurge – a little like the holiday season. In my opinion, the humor in the commercial is the selling point for the commercial.
On the other hand, lots of women watch the Super Bowl, some for the football aspect and others for the commercials. Today, thousands of women are self-conscience about their weight so this may have been the perfect time for the commercial to air. Also, the Pittsburgh Steelers have one of the largest, if not the largest numbers of women supporters in the country, one of the reasons we call this “Steeler Nation.”  The commercial may have been the reminder to the weight watchers that they should hold off on the food and possibly go get a Pepsi Max.
Overall, I am not sure if people embrace the “lose-weight” theme during the Super Bowl being that they are surrounded by food or if they keep the concepts of the commercials in the back of their minds for a rainy day. Either way, a Pepsi Max can be helpful whether you drink it for taste, health reasons, or use it for self-defense.

Super Bieber XLV

Millions of viewers watched as Justin Bieber took over Ozzy Osbourne’s Best Buy commercial during Super Bowl XLV, where sadly, the Steelers lost to the Packers. Ozzy showed 4th and 5th generation phones, showing the high speed that technology improves. He responded by saying “How many bloody Gs are there?” which shows that he wasn’t up to speed with the equipment.
When the 6th generation phone came into play, Justin Bieber was called in, while Ozzy took over the background. Though Ozzy was “left behind,” he wasn’t alone. His wife Sharon Osbourne asks “What’s a 6 G,” which means 6th Generation. With a confused look on his face, Ozzy responds with “What’s a Beiber?” The made-over, hairy Bieber says “I don’t know. Kind of looks like a girl.”
The concept of the commercial was pretty fun. Best Buy wanted consumers to see that their company knows that technology changes and that they are willing to work with customers in order for them to keep up with the changes. While getting their message across, they used fun, futuristic outfits and scenery.
It seems to me that Ozzy, Sharon, and Justin were used to catch the attention of the viewers. Justin Bieber fans are extremely loyal to him! On YouTube, there was a preview video to the Best buy commercial. It was uploaded to YouTube on January 27, 2011 and has received 11,579 views in just 10 days. That’s over 1000 views per day!
Not only are Justin fans loyal, but Osbourne fans have been there for years! They are a family of music and television that are very much respected by their fans.  
Hopefully the Osbournes continue their quest in learning about the concept of “generations” as the Steelers continue theirs in earning their 7th Super Bowl ring.