Sunday, March 20, 2011

too much timePHONE 4

Anticipation. Time. Belief. The few things that make the iPhone 4 from Verizon product and commercial effective. Something that is amazing about the commercial is the fact that it shows the reality of the product.

Verizon users hold true to their network...

The time factor in the commercial is essential because the iPhone for Verizon was presented to users months after it appeared at AT&T. The commercial shows the loyalty that Verizon customers have to their products. Not only did they have faith that Verizon would get the iPhone, but they waited for it as well.

Though the commercial uses little words, they have a large message.  

At first, the commercial gives no information about iPhone or its qualities, possibly because many already know about the iPhone 4. Known as the “phone that changed everything,” the iPhone 4 was presented to the world several times before Verizon consumers knew it would come to their network.

Told you so!

It is no secret what the iPhone is and how it operates. I believe the purpose of the commercial is to remind customers that the iPhone is available, just now, on a new service. Also, to thank Verizon users for sticking with them, and to tell those that did not believe they would ever get the iPhone that YES! We have the iPhone and you were WRONG


The question remains: is the iPhone for Verizon Wireless as effective as the one for AT&T? 

From personal experience, I believe that Verizon has a lot of work to do to catch up to AT&T. The main problem is their lack of a 4G (4th Generation) network. Without this network, the phone runs slower. 

Though I believe Verizon has better customer service, they still have many things to accomplish before being on the same level as AT&T. 

1 comment:

  1. Good post, but I don't know that I agree with you about the effectiveness of the ad.

    Dr C
